Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas Party

We had a very fun Christmas Party in Year 1. Thank you to all the parents who provided the treats, the children loved all of them!!!

Big Hero 6 Movie Day

Thursday 27 November 2014

Fire Station Trip

While we were busy with our Unit Of Inquiry about our communities we decided to go on a field trip to the fire station. There was much excitement in the build up to the big day and the Fire Station did not disappoint. The children had a fantastic time asking questions and having a close look at fire trucks and the special fireman uniforms.

Outdoor Sketching

Our Year 1 and Reception classes spent a wonderful day sketching the beautiful surroundings of the Kowloon Walled City Park on Wednesday 25th November 2014.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Christmas Concert

Our Christmas Concert is around the corner and much fun has been had while we are practicing our songs for the big event.  The children have been doing a great job in learning all the words for their songs.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some time practicing the songs with your child. The lyrics for our 3 songs that year 1B need to know were sent home and you can use the link below in order to access the music for these songs.

Thank you for your assistance.

Here is a video to show how well the children are doing after only a few practices.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Week 3, Wind Experiment

We have been learning about the weather for the past three weeks.  This week we discussed the ways in which we adapt to different types of weather. We spoke about the special types of clothes we wear for different types of weather, as well as what activities we can do in certain types of weather, we also discussed what precautions one should take in extreme weather conditions.

The weather of late has provided us with a lot of sun, heat and rain, so we have been able to take the children outside to let them experience these conditions, but there has not been much wind to speak of.  So we decided to bring the wind into our classroom and do an experiment to see what objects the wind can blow and what objects  wind cannot blow.  The wind was provided by the children blowing onto objects, some of the children seemed to be trying their best to reach the type of winds only seen in a T8 but once the gale force winds turned into a gentle breeze we were able to get a more accurate idea of what objects wind can blow and what objects wind could not blow. Much fun was had by all the learners as they got to make a poster to record their evidence of the objects that were blown by the wind and the objects that were not blown.  Here are the pictures from our Wind Experiment.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Week 2

It has been good to see the children enjoying their healthy snacks they are bringing to school.

Singing our weather song to start off our day.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

First Day - 20 August 2014

Having fun on our first day in Year 1B!

Day one and we are on our way.  Keep updated via the blog and
 find out what your children are up to at school.

Children of Year 1B 2014/2015: