Monday 27 April 2015

Year 1 trip to Ocean Park

The year 1's have been busy learning about animals habitats and been comparing the differences and similarities between many different habitats. To give the learners a first hand experience on some of the habitats we can find around the world, we went on a field trip to Ocean Park. There we had close looks at habitats for deep sea fish, coral fish, gold fish, alligators, monkey's and panda's. Much fun was had by all!!

Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas Party

We had a very fun Christmas Party in Year 1. Thank you to all the parents who provided the treats, the children loved all of them!!!

Big Hero 6 Movie Day

Thursday 27 November 2014

Fire Station Trip

While we were busy with our Unit Of Inquiry about our communities we decided to go on a field trip to the fire station. There was much excitement in the build up to the big day and the Fire Station did not disappoint. The children had a fantastic time asking questions and having a close look at fire trucks and the special fireman uniforms.

Outdoor Sketching

Our Year 1 and Reception classes spent a wonderful day sketching the beautiful surroundings of the Kowloon Walled City Park on Wednesday 25th November 2014.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Christmas Concert

Our Christmas Concert is around the corner and much fun has been had while we are practicing our songs for the big event.  The children have been doing a great job in learning all the words for their songs.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some time practicing the songs with your child. The lyrics for our 3 songs that year 1B need to know were sent home and you can use the link below in order to access the music for these songs.

Thank you for your assistance.

Here is a video to show how well the children are doing after only a few practices.